Visual Storyboards

Visual storyboards tell the whole story in an easy-to-understand format

Spartan Executives specializes in creating visual storyboards for cases. Amanda Panagakis, Ph.D. based her dissertation on the effect storyboard visuals have on empathetic connections and monetary value in cases. The research proved that storyboard visuals not only impacted the empathetic connection and overall monetary value in a case, but it also increased recall rate.

Why do we use visual storyboards?

  • They require that we think about, analyze, and simplify the case.
  • They require that we think about relationships instead of simply presenting data.

Your visuals do not need to describe what happened, but why something happened or show the relationship.

  • Boards are a tool for organizing the presentation of the case to the judge and jury.

Learning Tool

Nearly two thirds of jurors (and many judges) are visual learners who process visual information far better than information delivered orally:

It is a person's natural reaction to think in pictures and not words. In fact, seeing comes before words.

Studies find that the human brain deciphers image elements simultaneously, while language is decoded in a linear, sequential manner taking more time to process. Our minds react differently to visual stimuli.

Information is not equal in speed of apprehension or in our ability to process and accurately recall it. Factors that we usually ignore badly outmatch the standard ways legal professionals use to put across important points.

Graphics expedite and increase our level of communication. They increase comprehension, recollection, and retention.

Memory Tool

Increasing attention, comprehension, and retention

Jurors have to quickly take in large quantities new and unfamiliar information that the lawyers have spent many months collecting. For this information to be understood, a lawyer must be effective in his/her communication.

Images, on the other hand, go directly into long-term memory where they are indelibly etched.

Boards allow a juror to become a participant in an event. The board invite the juror to be part of the story. Boards can be a way to enhance the significant facts and create a repetitious way to have the jury remember the key facts.

Persuasion Tool

  • Visual aids are known to increase persuasion
  • Visuals not only tell but influence and motivate
  • Visuals create relationships
  • Visuals add power, dramatic effect and increase interest

Summary: Why We Use Story Boards

The benefit of using a board as your visual includes participation.

  • Participation creates a learning relationship.
  • Participation creates a visual memory.
  • Participation creates an emotional relationship.

Without graphics, an idea may be lost in a sea of words.