Focus Groups

Create a focus group to identify strengths and vulnerabilities of a case.

Testing a case's strengths and weaknesses at an early stage in the trial proceedings is the most efficient and effective way to see what works and adapt based on what doesn't work. Unlike mock juries/mock trials that emulate the experience of a court room, a focus group session consists of a small group of participants in a calm, conversational setting. The moderator of the focus group presents summaries and themes for discussion without revealing whether the plaintiff or the defense will be using the research results. In most cases, multiple focus group sessions are needed to examine the consistency of response across mock jury panels.


  • Present case in a cost-effective manner
  • Gain insights into jury process including selection
  • Prepares attorneys for mediation and settlement discussion
  • Learn which pieces of evidence matter most to jurors
  • Identify strengths and vulnerabilities of case
  • Get immediate, objective results

Spartan Executives offers recruiting and hosting for focus groups across the US. Jury based focus groups allow lawyers to test evidence and evaluate how group dynamics can affect the outcome of the case. This ability to anticipate juror reception is invaluable. For more information about legal focus group recruiting, or jury consulting services, please contact us today.


Joining a pre-trial focus group allows you to interact with a large variety of people, make your opinions heard, and participate in thought-provoking, stimulating debate. Focus groups are one of the best ways to test the legal approach that may be used in trial. Spartan Executives is looking for residents that are interested in providing feedback on attorney presentation style, assessing the validity of legal arguments, and assisting in testing the strengths and vulnerabilities of a case. Discovering the thoughts and choices the jurors have will enable the attorney to see which kind of jurors are likely to benefit the client at trial.


Spartan Executives recruits participants for legal focus groups from a wide variety of educational, financial and social backgrounds in order to reflect the potential juror population for the case. Focus group sessions can last anywhere from two hours to half of a day, and all participants are compensated for their time. If you would like more information about our pre-trial focus group recruiting, please fill out the form above.